by Sarah | Feb 26, 2019 | Uncategorized, Wednesday Meeting Topic
MAKE JOYFUL MUSIC TO THE LORD – This is the topic for our Wednesday meeting on February 6th. The meeting includes readings from the Bible and Christian Science textbook, singing hymns, and sharing testimonies of healing. The church is located at 1400...
by Sarah | Feb 20, 2019 | Wednesday Meeting Topic
THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD – This is the topic for our Wednesday meeting on February 6th. The meeting includes readings from the Bible and Christian Science textbook, singing hymns, and sharing testimonies of healing. The church is located at 1400 Hillsborough...
by Sarah | Feb 6, 2019 | Wednesday Meeting Topic
GOD IS THE ONLY POWER – The topic for our Wednesday meeting on February 6th is “God is the Only Power.” The meeting includes readings from the Bible and Christian Science textbook, singing hymns, and sharing testimonies of healing. The church is...
by Sarah | Jan 29, 2019 | Wednesday Meeting Topic
HONESTY IS SPIRITUAL POWER – This topic will be examined through singing hymns, listening to readings and sharing testimonies of healing. Come join us at 7:30 pm on Wednesday. We’re at 1400 Hillsborough Street in downtown Raleigh. There’s free...
by Sarah | Jan 15, 2019 | Wednesday Meeting Topic
GOD’S AMAZING GRACE – This topic will be examined through singing hymns, listening to readings and sharing testimonies of healing. Come join us at 7:30 pm tonight (Wednesday). We’re at 1400 Hillsborough Street in downtown Raleigh. There’s free...
by Sarah | Jan 8, 2019 | Wednesday Meeting Topic
LAWS OF GOD – A new legislative session is starting at both state and federal levels. So now is a good time to pray about laws, specifically the laws of God which counteract all injustice. Join us for a discussion of this topic for Wednesday, January 9 at our...
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